In September 2024 I was honoured to be a Presenter at the IOTA Futuring Craft conference at Curtin University in Perth. I travelled there to Co-Present Healing Country – The Five Elements with Kirrae Whurrong Artist, Aunty Lee-Anne Clarke. Read the full paper here Read More
Mosaic & Glass Magazine review
In a new, monthly column, we review mosaic and glass books – both old and new – that you also might like to add to your reading list. First up, editor Rhona Duffy reviews Helen Bodycomb’s latest book Mosaicism: Thinking in Mosaic. Read the review here Read More
‘I am the final ingredient’: Artist creates the work she will be buried in – SMH
Helen Bodycomb wraps herself in a sheet of raw bamboo. She’s working out her body measurements for a critical work: her death shroud. The Melbourne artist has designed a death wrap based on a Greco-Roman style, commonly used centuries ago, featuring a mosaic of a spider orchid. Read the full article here Read More
Helen’s interview about AD79 and Pompeii, with Suzanne Donisthorope on Maine FM’s The Retronauts
Dr Helen Bodycomb - a master mosaicist herself – has just released a book called Mosaicism on her pet subject. She often takes tours to Pompeii and the famous ancient mosaics and the stories they tell of the people who made them and how they lived. All this will be Read More
Book Launch of Mosaicism at Castlemaine Art Museum
Book Launch of Mosaicism at Castlemaine Art Museum, 26 August 2023 Helen Bodycomb in conversation with Cate Kennedy (40 minutes) Read More
Artists overcame distance and isolation to create giant mosaic installation
THE SYNERGY PROJECT A large-scale mosaic art exhibition celebrating nature and resilience was the culmination of the year-long Synergy Project. The ground-breaking collaboration led by internationally renowned mosaic artist Helen Bodycomb and involving seven emerging artists was created across multiple locations during the COVID-19 lockdowns of 2020-21 in Victoria, Australia. The ambitious Read More
Mosaic: Classical Principles and The Act of Making in Contemporary Works
Why do a PhD in this area? Essentially, my goal is to see mosaic positioned firmly within contemporary art practice, because it is widely misunderstood yet still brimming with untapped potential. Mosaic needs increasingly higher and experimental practice, and further exploration by its many makers of its unique potential as a mode of making. My PhD thesis does not aim to encapsulate Read More
Helen Bodycomb- the Material and the Immaterial
An in depth conversation with mosaic artist Helen Bodycomb about her practice, thinking in mosaic, the material and the immaterial, being and nothingness, the spaces in between and our place in this crazy world. She is just finishing her PHD on such matters so she has thought a lot about them. Her show at Lot 19 in Castlemaine is there for all to see. It’s beautiful, poetic and important. Helen is Read More
La Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli – The Spilimbergo School
In 1922 La Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli (the Spilimbergo school) was established in the small northern Italian town of Spilimbergo and is today the world’s leading contemporary school of mosaic. Nestled within the strategically important nexus of the Tagliamento River floodplains at the foot of the Dolomites and close to the northern Adriatic coastline in Friuli-Venezia Giulia[1], the region has Read More
Mosaic in the Contemporary World
2016 AIMC CONGRESS Mosaic in the Contemporary World: 18-22 May 2016 SPILIMBERGO, ITALY When I first heard that the 2016 AIMC* Congress was going to be hosted by the Spilimbergo School (La Scuola di Mosaicisti del Friuli) in northern Italy, I knew that by hook or by crook I had to be there. *AIMC – L’Associazione Internazionale Mosaicisti Contemporanei (The International Association Read More
Making Mosaics in the Anthropocene Era
Anthropo (man) + cene (new) In 2014 an American oceanographic research vessel traversing the waters off Hawaii’s Big Island came across an entirely new form of geology. Geologist Patricia Corcoran and Captain Charles Moore documented their findings from active volcanic beach environments, labeling these new types of rock ‘plastiglomerates’. They have been created through the fusion of plastics, Read More
Helen Bodycomb: The Age and Sydney Morning Herald
Helen Bodycomb featured in The Age & Sydney Morning Herald June 26 2015 Castlemaine mosaic artist Helen Bodycomb began her working life as a flute teacher but has always perceived the world in highly visual terms, particularly patterns. As a child she loved making things with her hands using a stash of cardboard, string, boxes and egg cartons she kept under her bed. As a teenager, her dad Read More
RKM- Road Kill Mausoleum
RKM COLLECTIVE Helen Bodycomb – RKM Set Design and Mosaic, The Pieta Ulrike Barbara von Radichevich – RKM Set Design and Production Jilli Rose – Amnesiac (Animation) Davide Michielin – Sarcophagus (Film) RKM is a multi-media architectural installation that was first exhibited at the 2015 Castlemaine State Festival (13th – 22nd March 2015), as part of the curated Visual Art Read More
Arts & Edges Kalgoorlie Summit
Arts & Edges Kalgoorlie Summit In October 2014 I was thrilled to be able to attend the 2014 Regional Arts Australia Summit – titled ‘Arts and Edges’. Held over 4 days in the rather remote and unique location of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia, it was always going to be somewhat of an adventure just in getting there. So I stepped well out of my comfort zone and seized the opportunity to wing Read More
Helen Bodycomb Interview
Phil Elson in Conversation with Helen Bodycomb Read More
2014 Sydney UBD/ Gregory’s Street Directory
2014 Sydney UBD Directory Its flattering to have an out of the blue phone call from a publisher, asking permission to use one of your artworks to grace the cover of a widely distributed publication (even if it is ‘just’ a street directory). I was delighted that the image chosen is a crop of the iconic Bondi Surf Club lifesavers by Enver Camdal and me, part of a 27 piece Sydney street furniture Read More
2013 MAANZ Exhibition
1st Prize in the 2013 MAANZ Exhibition On Friday 24 August 2013 I was honoured to be awarded 1st Prize for wall mounted work in the 2013 MAANZ Exhibition ILLUMINATE at Bundoora Homestead Arts Centre, for my work ATTITUDE. ATTITUDE shows a sulphur crested cockatoo crest feather, unintentionally flicked into my garden from the head of a screeching cocky in a moment of unbridled emotional Read More
Niche Interest @ The City Library
Niche Interest @ City Library The exhibition NICHE INTEREST is on 5th August until the 25th @ City Library at 253 Flinders Lane, Melbourne. The exhibition features small artworks by Helen Bodycomb, Tony Bowen and Rachel Bremner, installed in wall niches and display cabinets throughout the ground floor of the library. This exhibition is open every day until 4 pm on Sunday 25 Read More
The Divided Heart
The Divided Heart: Art and Motherhood A divided heart; a split self; the sense that to succeed at one means to fail at the other. Do women still confront the attitude that a dedicated artist will avoid having children for the sake of her career? In The Divided Heart, Australia’s most respected artists, writers and actors speak frankly about the wrench between motherhood and their artistic Read More
Ancient Mosaic Essay
Ancient Mosiacs And their Conversation with the new I liken Greek and Roman Mosaics to really good red wine. The first swig is never the tastiest, but as the palate acclimatises great depths of beauty are revealed. There is much I admire about ancient mosaics, on many levels. The logic and elegance of andamento – the directional laying of tesserae to render form, and the visual vibrations Read More
Detritus Exhibition
DETRITUS 7th March - 7th April 2013 PUBLIC INN Cnr Mostyn & Barker Streets, Castlemaine and RE-PUBLIC 26 Templeton Street, Castlemaine In addition to giving 2 artists talks at Public Inn (Wednesday 20 March 3pm and Friday 22 March 3pm), Helen will open her Lot 19 studio to visitors on Tuesday 19 and Thursday 21 March from 11am–2pm. See the Castlemaine State Festival Program Map B, for Read More
A few of my favourite Mosaics
A Selection of my Favourite Mosaics Manga Medusa One day whilst René and I were working in the studio, he misheard something I said about a possible future mosaic we might make. René thought he heard me make reference to a Manga Medusa mosaic. We were both amused by the thought of a hybrid of Medusa (the serpent-haired monster from Greek mythology, the sight of which turned all living things Read More
Helen Bodycomb in the New York Times
New York Times Article This is an excerpt from a New York Times Article on Helen & Ravenna Mosaico Mosaic is one of the oldest of the decorative arts and developed into one of the most spectacular. From humble beginnings in such forms as pebbles pressed in patterns into beaten earth floors, at its high points during Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine times mosaic became a sophisticated fine Read More
World Within, World Without: Mosaic Installation
World Within, World Without Mosaic Installation in Southbank At 11am on Tuesday the 16th November 2009 an apology was made by the Prime Minister of Australia to the 'Forgotton Australians', being children with aboriginal parents removed from their families due to the government policies of the day. 'Sorry Day' was for many people one of those 'where were you when it happened' moments (in my Read More
Works from the World
Ravenna Mosaico: Ravenna Italy RavennaMosaico presents itself as a showcase of the best contemporary productions and offers thoughts on the vocation of the city, in the light of the candidature of Ravenna as European Capital of Culture for 2019. The event will involve the entire city and cultural institutions in a program dedicated to the contemporary mosaic, proposing in the most Read More
Ravenna Mosaico
Ravenna Mosaico: Italy Ravenna Mosaico was an extraordinary, biennial event organized by the International Association of Contemporary Mosaicists and the Comune di Ravenna. This delightful town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its Byzantine mosaic treasures, is claiming the right to be seen as the global nexus for contemporary mosaics – and they are doing a great job of it. There were Read More