Ravenna Mosaico: Ravenna Italy
RavennaMosaico presents itself as a showcase of the best contemporary productions and offers thoughts on the vocation of the city, in the light of the candidature of Ravenna as European Capital of

Culture for 2019. The event will involve the entire city and cultural institutions in a program dedicated to the contemporary mosaic, proposing in the most beautiful places of the historical center, exhibitions of artists from around the world, urban installations, performances, concerts, conferences, workshops, meetings, and guided tours.
Works From the World
Location: Urban Center – Church of San Domenico – Via Cavour, 1
Curator: Municipality of Ravenna, AIMC
Inauguration: 8 October at 9.00pm
Period: 9 October – 20 November 2011
Open hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday ore 10.00am – 1.00pm/4.00 – 7.00pm
Saturday, Sunday and holidays 10.00am – 7.00pm
An exhibition organised to present in the city the most recent productions of artists in various continents who have chosen this ancient art.
Works that provide a broad view of contemporary works, distinguished by chromatic richness and detailed precision in the technique used.
During the exhibition the video of the performance of Visual Art Visions of Eternity. Galla Placidia Shines On [Andrea Bernabini and NEO Project], will be screened. This work was carried out between 1 to 3 July 2011 on the structure of the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia.